Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Connect to SAIT email in Outlook

Connect to SAIT email in Outlook via VPN

There's also been a few questions about how to connect to SAIT email using outlook on your laptop or home network. In addition to emails this also allows you to use your SAIT exchange calendar from your home computer. The following steps are for Outlook 2010, similar server settings will be used in other versions of Outlook.

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated with SAIT or the help desk in any way, I am posting this as a student looking to help his classmates. I am not responsible for any data loss or missed assignments if something should go wrong and will not keep this post up to date beyond my time as a SAIT student.

Note: You must be connected to the VPN to be able to access your drives, even after they have been mapped. So if you come back in a few days and they don't work, make sure you are connected to the VPN. For instructions on setting up the VPN click here.

The following steps are all to be taken on your home computer, laptop etc

  1. Connect to the SAIT VPN (http://vpn.sait.ca) I will write a tutorial on connecting to the VPN if people need one.
  2. Launch Oulook via the start menu.
  3. If this is your first time setting up an account in Outlook, click Manually Configure Server Settings, Next, Microsoft Exchange or compatible service, Next
  4. If you are adding SAIT email as an additional account click File> Account Settings > Account Settings.. > New
  5. Set up the account settings as follows:
    • Server EX5.ACDM.DS.SAIT.CA
      Username: Firstname.Lastname@edu.sait.ca (Your sait email address)

  6. Click next and if necessary enter your ACDM\Student ID (no leading zeroes) and Password - the same info you use to login to a sait computer. Check 'Remember my credentials'.

That is it, at this point you should see your inbox start to fill up with your sait email, be able to send email from the SAIT account and access your exchange calendar. If anyone has questions or is unable to get it working please leave a comment and I'll help when I have some free time.

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